What is ESI?
Expo-Sciences are non-competitive multicultural exhibitions that showcase STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) projects developed by children and youth from around the world, as well as interactive exhibits by STEAM-related institutions.
The Expo-Sciences programme includes cultural and scientific visits, leisure activities, workshops, and conferences. National youth STEAM programme leaders meet to share and discuss best practices in STEAM promotion and education.
The MILSET Latin American Expo-Sciences (ESI AMLAT 2024), to be held from November 25-29, 2024 at the Club de la Union – Plaza de Armas de Lima Cercado de Lima, Peru. ESI AMLAT 2024 will be an outstanding event that will bring together young scientists, educators and professionals from various disciplines from all over Latin America and the world.
During the event, innovative projects will be presented, knowledge will be shared and scientific collaboration will be fostered among participants.
This is a regional youth science promotion, communication and networking event characterized by interactivity, engagement with a focus on motivation and cooperation. The young participants attend as ambassadors of their countries’ youth science programs.
The goal of the event is to provide a space where young people from around the world can share the practices and results of their STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) research with a multicultural and multidisciplinary audience. Also to see other theories and methodologies to address the context of the Knowledge Society with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Participating in an Expo-Sciences is an opportunity to:
• Install and animate a space to highlight youngsters,’ teachers’ and leaders’ efforts and interest in research, science, and technology innovation, enhancing their motivation while contributing to their personal development.
• Establish relationships with other institutions with similar goals through the development of scientific, technical, and social projects to exchange ideas and create actions according to the needs of today’s world, for the benefit of industry, the educational sector and society at large.
• Be represented at an international level through the young peoples’ projects, allowing for the spreading of knowledge amongst the main target audience (i.e., young people).
• Promote Scientific Culture in a multicultural environment, allowing the sharing of experience and good practice so as to achieve higher-standard scientific activities.